Looking for high-quality and affordable Essential Oils Wholesale? Look no further! Our premium oils are perfect for businesses of all kinds. The best Essential oils are extracted from plant parts such as leaves, herbs, barks, and rinds. Makers concentrate them into oils in a variety of ways. They’re great in vegetable oils, creams, and bath gels. You could also inhale them, rub them on your skin, or soak in them. According to some research, if you know how to use them correctly, they can be beneficial. Always read the label and consult your doctor if you’re unsure whether or not they’re safe to use.

Cinnamon Bark Oil
Cinnamon bark oil is extracted by steam distillation from the bark of the Cinnamon zeylanicum tree, more popularly known as true Ceylon Cinnamon. It is composed of over 90 different known compounds, with Cinnamaldehyde being its most prominent player. Cinnamon bark oil is widely used for its antimicrobial properties and as an aid in digestion. Because of its exotic, woody smell, it works wonders in aromatherapy and is a big contributor to the French perfume industry. Click Here To Learn More
Cinnamon Leaf Oil
Cinnamon oil is derived from the leaves and twigs of the Cinnamon tree by steam distillation. It is composed of many chemical compounds, with eugenol being the most significant. Because of this, it is used in the flavour industry for the preparation of synthetic vanillin and in the production of confectionery. Cinnamon leaf oil is more medicinal than cinnamon bark oil which is mostly used in aromatherapy. Cinnamon leaf oil is commonly employed for its antiseptic properties in many households, and simply for its strong and spicy aroma. Click Here To Learn More

Black Pepper Oil
Black pepper oil is most commonly used for its ability to enhance food with its sharp flavour and is routinely added to soups, curries and even tea for an extra spicy hit. Apart from being a handy spice in the kitchen, it is known to boost cell function and circulation in the body because of its sesquiterpene content, namely caryophyllene. Because of its high antioxidant nature, it also supports the immune functions of the body, making it a multi-purpose household essential oil. Click Here To Learn More
Nutmeg Oil
Obtained from steam distillation of ground nutmeg, it is an essential oil consisting primarily of monoterpenes. It also contains aromatic ethers such as myristicin and elemicin that contribute to its sweet aroma, with warm and woody undertones.
Our essential oils are used in the manufacturing of soaps, cosmetics, toothcare products, pharmaceuticals and many healthcare products. Our essential oil from CEIAL AGRO is sold across China, India, Gulf, Germany, France, Argentina and North America. Click Here To Learn More

Clove Bud Oil
Clove bud gives rise to acclaimed essential oil that is very popular in dental preparations, toothpastes and even some candy. Composed mainly of the chemical component eugenol, it has the ability to cleanse the mouth whilst imparting a sharp, spicy aroma. As a cooking spice, it is generally used in the making of desserts. Apart from these, it has a high antioxidant content. Additionally, some research even suggests that clove bud oil can support cardiovascular health. Click Here To Learn More
Cardamom Oil
Cardamom oil is generously used in warm teas and traditional sweets for its cool and minty flavour. It acts as a great aid for digestion and is known to promote gut health. Because of its high 1,8-cineole content, it is speculated to have tremendous beneficial effects on the respiratory system and can promote clear breathing.
Our essential oils are used in the manufacturing of soaps, cosmetics, toothcare products, pharmaceuticals and many healthcare products. Our essential oil from CEIAL AGRO is sold across China, India, Gulf, Germany, France, Argentina and North America. Click Here To Learn More

Sandalwood Oil
Sandalwood oil is extracted from fragrant woods which have the ability of preserving their aroma for decades. It is renowned in the skin-care industry for its tendency to decrease skin imperfections and promote a healthy, smooth complexion. It has been used for centuries in various religious practices and continues to be associated with enhancing meditation owing to its sweet, woody aroma. Click Here To Learn More
Ginger Oil
This essential oil yielded by the rhizome system of the ginger plant, is a culinary favourite that enhances dishes with its hot, robust flavour whilst aiding digestion. A scent that is commonly associated with the holidays, ginger is used in the making of warm, ginger teas and sweets like gingerbread. Click Here To Learn More

Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass, with its subtle citrus flavour, is popular in Asian cooking. Known to aid digestion, it is generously used to season soups and curries and to impart its fresh and tangy scent. Its herbaceous, pungent aroma is utilized in massage therapy as it is believed to heighten awareness and to promote overall skin health. Click Here To Learn More
Citronella Oil
Citronella, with its crisp and fresh aroma, is extracted from a tall grass that is native to Asia. It is popular in households for its insect-repellent properties. When applied topically, it masks the natural human pheromones and wards off insects, making it an ideal outdoors companion. Because of its citronellol and geraniol composition, it can even be used an antiseptic for keeping surfaces and floors clean! Click Here To Learn More